When can you replace a redundant position?

replace redundant position

It’s not uncommon for organisations to experience growth after a period of financial difficulty that resulted in redundancies. If you are looking to recruit for a role that has previously been made redundant, it will be important to ensure you are proceeding lawfully to avoid potential legal complaints. In this guide for employers, we explain […]

How to Tackle Interviewer Bias

interviewer bias

Finding the right person to fill a vacant position can often prove to be a challenging process for hiring managers and recruiters, not least when it comes to the interview stage. Interviewer bias has become a recognised area of risk for employers when recruiting, which results not only in potentially and inadvertently missing out on […]

Guide to UK Recruitment Laws

Recruitment law

For employers, the primary concern during the recruitment process will be finding and onboarding the right candidate. But the recruitment process not only carries risks in selecting the best person for the job. Employers also have to contend with legal risks, ensuring applicants’ rights are not infringed and that the organisation has complied with its […]

How to sponsor a global business mobility visa worker

sponsoring global business mobility visa worker

Under the new Global Business Mobility Route, employers can send or bring overseas workers to the United Kingdom through five different visas. These routes are the Senior or Specialist Worker Visa, Graduate Trainee Visa, Secondment Worker Visa, UK Expansion Worker Visa, and Service Supplier Visa. Employers seeking to sponsor overseas workers on one or more […]

Which type of sponsor licence do you need?

types of sponsor licence

Under current immigration rules, UK-based businesses will in most cases need a sponsor licence from the Home Office to recruit non-UK resident workers who don’t otherwise have permission to work in the UK. There are different types of sponsor licences available, depending on the type of sponsored workers you want to hire. In this guide, […]

Do you have to advertise a job?

do you have to advertise a job

Advertising a job vacancy is a fairly standard recruitment practice for employers looking for someone to fill a position in their business. This could be where a vacancy has arisen following the departure of an existing employee or because a new role has been created. However, the employer may already have a candidate in mind […]

Avoiding discrimination in recruitment

discrimination in recruitment

Under the Equality Act 2010, individuals are protected from unlawful discrimination in the workplace. Unlawful discrimination refers to unfair treatment because of a particular protected characteristic. These protections apply across the employment lifecycle, from the initial recruitment and selection stage, right through their period of employment to contract termination. This means an individual who has been discriminated […]

Withdrawing an offer of employment

Withdrawing an offer of employment is a decision not to be taken lightly. Before you take action, ensure you understand the legal risks of rescinding a job offer. In most cases, it is unlikely that an employer would want, or need, to withdraw a job offer once it has been accepted. However, even where an […]

Shortlisting process: guide for HR

HR Hype shortlisting process

Shortlisting is a crucial stage within the recruitment process in which employers are required to identify the candidates from their applicant pool who best meet the essential and desirable criteria for the job opening in question. Rising unemployment levels are putting greater pressure on the recruitment, selection and shortlisting process. Employers are now handling increasing […]

6 horrible hiring mistakes & how to avoid them!

Hiring mistakes can be extremely costly for organisations of all sizes. Recruiting new staff comes at a considerable cost in terms of both time and money, with some studies suggesting bad hiring decisions can cost an organisation between 20 and 30 percent of an employee’s annual salary. An awareness of common pitfalls will help you […]