Staff Handbook Template (What to Include?)

An effective staff handbook plays an important role for employers. Its contents are usually binding, unless the handbook specifically says otherwise, which makes it important for employers to get the information right. The handbook should act as a helpful and reliable resource for employees, alleviating the pressure on HR to deal with everyday queries from […]
Return to Work: Guide for HR

If an employee has been absent from work through either illness or injury, especially for a prolonged period of time, it can take them a while to readjust on their return. In some cases, a number of changes may first need to be made to their working arrangements or working environment to help facilitate their […]
Facilitating behavioural changes at work

Facilitating behavioural changes at work The ability to facilitate change is a vital skill for all managers, as without change your organisation cannot grow, improve practices and thrive. When planning and orchestrating any changes at work, it is essential that the proposed change is framed positively and that employees are given the tools and information […]
Helping employees with a phased return to work

Helping Employees with a Phased Return to Work After an employee has been off work for an extended absence, whether through ill health, maternity leave or bereavement, the transition back to work can be quite difficult for some employees. A phased return to work allows employees to make that adjustment in a more manageable way. […]
Can you contact employees on sick leave?
As an employer you will want to ensure the health and wellbeing of your employees during any period of sick leave. But there is a balance to be achieved between reasonable contact designed to check on an employee’s welfare, or to address any absence-related matters, and contact that may be considered excessive, unnecessary resulting in […]
Employee working a second job – what can employers do?
People have second jobs for many reasons. They may need to earn additional income, want to monetise on a hobby or perhaps they want to change career and are looking to learn new skills or gain experience in a particular work environment. If you have learned that an employee is working a second job, it’s […]