Facilitating behavioural changes at work

behavioural change

Facilitating behavioural changes at work The ability to facilitate change is a vital skill for all managers, as without change your organisation cannot grow, improve practices and thrive. When planning and orchestrating any changes at work, it is essential that the proposed change is framed positively and that employees are given the tools and information […]

Hiring happy employees: boost morale & productivity!

hiring happy employees

Boosting employee happiness is one of the most effective ways for an employer to maximise productivity, reduce absenteeism, attract talent and create a compelling employer brand for their business. Traditionally, organisations have sought to improve output among their workforce by focusing on material rewards such as pay rises, bonuses or other employee benefits to incentivise […]

Secondment agreement: employers’ Guide

Whether your organisation is considering a programme of secondments for a group of employees or arranging a single secondment for an individual employee, you will need to know how to go about achieving this, in particular, you will need to consider the contents of any secondment agreement. Equally, if you are a host organisation looking […]