How do staggered hours work?

staggered hours

With flexible working commonplace in workplaces across the UK economy, arrangements such as staggered hours can offer both the employer and employee many advantages. In this guide, we look at what staggered hours mean, and the key legal and HR considerations for employers adopting this approach, either on a temporary or permanent basis. What are […]

How much notice to change working hours?

03 Notice to change working hours

Making a change to a term in an employee’s contract, such as changing working hours, is called a ‘variation of contract.’ If their contract contains an agreed number of hours they are to work each week, then you cannot arbitrarily reduce them. You must follow a fair procedure to change contract terms and ensure you […]

Dependency leave: guide for employers

Dependency leave

This guide for employers looks at the rules relating to dependency leave, including who counts as a dependant and how best to manage requests for dependency leave. What is dependency leave? By law, the employee has relatively limited statutory rights when it comes to dependency leave, although establishing exactly when and to what extent these […]

Mutuality of obligation & worker status

Mutuality of obligation

Mutuality of obligation is an important concept in employment law, as it forms a key part of the criteria used by tribunals for determining the employment status of an individual. Below we examine this concept in more detail, including how this is applied in the context of HMRC’s IR35 off-payroll working rules. What is mutuality […]

Employment law rules for night shifts

night working rules

Night shifts are a common feature in today’s economy. Understanding your workers’ rights and your responsibilities as an employer can help ensure your workforce stays safe and that you don’t fall foul of the employment laws on night working and working unsociable hours. The following guide for employers sets out the employment law on night […]

Legal working temperatures

Legal Working temperatures

Ensuring the health and safety of your staff forms an important part of your duties as an employer, including the provision of a workplace that is neither too hot nor too cold. In this guide, we examine the rules on minimum and maximum workplace temperatures, providing employers with practical advice on the provision of a […]

Compassionate leave for miscarriage

compassionate leave for miscarriage

For employees who have suffered a miscarriage, time off work and the support they receive from their employer can be an important part of their recovery. But under current rules, employees who miscarry before the end of 24 weeks of pregnancy have no statutory to take maternity leave or claim maternity pay. Following stillbirth or […]

Can you ask staff to work weekends?

can you ask staff to work weekends

It is not uncommon for employers to ask employees to work weekends, including Sundays, especially in the retail and hospitality industries. However, there are certain rules and restrictions that must be taken into account, including those on Sunday working and the ‘working time’ rules. The following guide for employers looks at working weekend laws in […]

Can you refuse or cancel a holiday request?

Employees have the right to a certain amount of paid time off work. It is a common mistaken belief that an employer cannot either refuse an employee’s holiday request, or even cancel it. But in reality, employers reserve the legal right to refuse leave requests as they see fit. Employers and managers have to take […]

Short time working: employer guidance

short time working

Short time working is when you reduce the hours of some or all of your employees, or pay them less than half a week’s pay. This could be during periods of lower demand or slowdown in the amount of work available. The employee should receive full pay unless their contract allows unpaid or reduced pay. […]