What to do if an employee is skiving off work

skiving off work

Sickness absence is an inevitable part of managing a workforce. But what if you suspect someone isn’t being honest about why they’re not at work? Or what if someone is at work but is deliberately not giving their full effort? Skiving off work can be damaging to a business and can negatively impact other employees. […]

Dealing with unauthorised absence from work

unauthorised absence

While most instances of employee absence will be for legitimate reasons, there may be times when an employee simply fails to show for work or to make contact with their employer without a reasonable excuse. Unauthorised absence can quickly become problematic if not handled correctly and consistently. In this guide, we look at how to […]

How to Have a Without Prejudice Conversation

without prejudice conversation

There are various workplace scenarios where an employer may want to have an off-the-record conversation with an employee. These could include, for example, where an employee has bought, or is threatening to bring, a claim against the employer before the tribunal or courts. However, more often than not, these types of conversations will be around […]

Workplace investigations: your employees’ rights

workplace investigations

Before an employer takes any disciplinary action, they first have to carry out a balanced and unbiased workplace investigation to establish the facts and ensure objective decision-making. This guide to workplace investigations will help employers understand their employees’ rights and their own obligations under UK law.   What is a workplace investigation?   A workplace […]

Gaslighting at work: a manager’s guide

Gaslighting at work

Gaslighting at work: a manager’s guide While the concept of ‘gaslighting at work’ is relatively modern in HR terminology, power struggles in the workplace are by no means new. For managers, the challenge is identifying gaslighting and taking appropriate steps to deal with unwanted and toxic behaviours. What is gaslighting at work? Contrary to popular […]

Rules for Using CCTV Evidence at Disciplinary

rules for using cctv as evidence

Some employers may be surprised to discover that video footage captured by CCTV can constitute personal data under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This means that there are certain rules that must be followed when processing this data, especially in the context of using this footage as evidence of an employee’s misconduct. The following […]

Advice for Managers Facing a Grievance

grievance against me as a manager

It is not uncommon for staff to raise a grievance about their managers, in some cases without just cause, although the employer will still be duty bound to fully investigate any formal complaint. It is therefore important for managers to know their own employment rights in these circumstances, not only to help minimise the potential […]

Why managers need to be hot on gossip in the workplace

gossip in the workplace

Why managers need to be hot on gossip in the workplace Gossiping at work may be intended as harmless among co-workers, but it has the potential to negatively impact working relations and workplace culture overall. In this guide for employers and managers, we look at what the law says on workplace gossip, and how gossiping […]

Accident reporting at work guide for HR

accident reporting at work

Accident reporting is a fundamental aspect of monitoring safety in the workplace. A well-maintained record of accidents and incidents can help employers learn from errors, meet their legal obligations and ensure health and safety at work. The reporting of diseases, injuries and dangerous occurrences at work is taken seriously by the HSE. Failure to report […]

Rules for suspending an employee

suspending an employee

In some circumstances, suspending an employee may be unavoidable. Suspension could be due to health and safety or medical issues such as pregnancy, or more commonly, while a serious disciplinary matter is being investigated. In this guide for employers, line managers and HR personnel, we discuss the key considerations when suspending employees as part of […]