How to spot a fake sick note

fake sick note

If you’ve been given a fit note by an employee and you’re not sure if it is genuine, would you know what to do? Employers should be prepared and trained to know how to deal with employees suspected of pulling sickies or exaggerating illness symptoms. It’s useful for managers and HR teams to be able […]

Employment tribunal costs for employers

employment tribunal costs for employers

If a workplace dispute cannot be resolved, employers may be forced to defend a claim before the employment tribunal. By understanding how the tribunal process works, including the steps involved and potential outcomes, employers can assess the most cost-effective way of dealing with an unresolved dispute while managing the employment tribunal costs that come with […]

Employer vicarious liability rules

Employer vicarious liability

By law, employers can be held vicariously liable for certain acts of their employees. This means even where the employer has itself technically done no wrong, it can still be found responsible for employees’ actions and made to financially compensate the victim of the wrongdoing. The rationale behind the employer vicarious liability rules is to […]

Using an employee non disclosure agreement

Under an employee non disclosure agreement, both parties are bound by confidentiality provisions, such as preventing the employee from disclosing certain specified information relating to the conduct of the employer or the termination of the employment contract. Non disclosure agreements (NDAs) and confidentiality provisions in the employment context have generated plenty of publicity over the […]

Can employees go on holiday while off sick?

going on holiday while on sick leave

Ordinarily, you would not expect an employee to be going on holiday while on sick leave. In many cases this would serve to undermine the extent of any reported illness or injury, providing grounds for disciplinary action or even dismissal where this is indicative of malingering. Still, there may be cases in which going on […]

Malingering, fake illness & disciplinaries

If an employee is genuinely sick or injured, they are entitled to take time off work to recover. If an employer suspects an employee of malingering, and that they may not be genuinely ill or as ill as they claim, the employer can take steps to deal with the concerns. The following guide looks at […]

Disciplinary procedure guide for managers

Embarking on a formal disciplinary procedure may become necessary to ensure that any unacceptable or improper behaviour at work, or poor performance matters, that cannot be resolved informally, are appropriately addressed in a fair and lawful manner. The following guide for employers, line managers and HR personnel examines the rules relating to disciplinary procedures, providing […]

Dealing with misconduct at work

Misconduct at work relates to behaviour deemed by an employer to be unacceptable in the workplace environment. Misconduct can have the effect of damaging a business’ reputation as a fair employer or a trustworthy company to deal with. It can cause damage to the property and belongings of the business and can lead to complaints […]

Directors’ service agreement: protect your business

Directors have specific statutory duties and responsibilities in relation to the organisation, which should be addressed within a directors’ service agreement. More than a compliance requirement, the agreement can also be used by the business to protect its interests in the event of the director’s exit. What is a directors’ service agreement? In many cases, […]

Failure to make reasonable adjustments

A failure to make reasonable adjustments refers to a breach of the employer’s duty to ensure that workers and applicants are not substantially disadvantaged in carrying out or applying for a job because of a disability when compared with people who do not have a disability. This is a statutory duty that most employers are […]