Variation Clauses in Employment Contracts

Variation clauses

Variation clauses can be effective in affording employers a degree of flexibility when changing employment contract terms and conditions. Employers should, however, proceed with caution before taking steps to vary employment contract terms, both to avoid legal complaints and damaging workforce relations. In this guide for employers, we explain the different types of variation clauses […]

What does Provision, Criterion or Practice (PCP) mean for employers?

Provision criterion or practice

The phrase ‘Provision Criterion or Practice’ (PCP) relates to indirect discrimination. For employers, it is vital to understand what this term means to help avoid falling foul of the law. In this guide, we explain what Provision Criterion or Practice means, what the law says about PCP and we share best practice for employers to […]

SMS Level 1 User Guide

SMS level user

The role of key personnel in managing an organisation’s sponsor licence can’t be underestimated in ensuring compliance with the employer’s duties under its sponsor licence. The management of the sponsorship licence is conducted through the sponsor management system (SMS) and therefore it is essential that the key personnel, in particular any level 1 user(s), are […]

Can Sponsored Workers Have a Second Job?

Sponsored worker second employment

In light of the ongoing cost of living crisis, many workers may be looking for additional sources of income. For sponsored migrant workers, however, it may not be as straightforward as simply finding a second job. The worker has to ensure that their visa conditions allow them to take on more work, and their employer […]

Subcontractor Rights (Employers’ Guide)

subcontractor rights

An individual’s employment status determines their workplace rights and responsibilities. As an employer, it is important to be aware of the employment status of the people working for you, to ensure your obligations towards them are met. This guide will focus on the employment status of subcontractors in your workforce and the subcontractors’ rights you […]

How much notice to change working hours?

03 Notice to change working hours

Making a change to a term in an employee’s contract, such as changing working hours, is called a ‘variation of contract.’ If their contract contains an agreed number of hours they are to work each week, then you cannot arbitrarily reduce them. You must follow a fair procedure to change contract terms and ensure you […]

Lone Working Rules (Advice for Employers)

Lone working

In this guide for employers, we explain the law in the UK relating to lone working, from the protection that those working alone or in isolated conditions should be afforded, to the importance of putting in place a lone worker policy and what this should include. What are lone workers? A lone worker is anyone […]

Sponsor Licence Change of Circumstances

Sponsor licence change of circumstances

Given the business-critical nature of sponsoring migrant workers, careful and effective management of your sponsor licence is essential to avoid Home Office enforcement action that could impact your operations. As a UK sponsor licence holder, either under the Workers and Temporary Workers routes, you must ensure you have the necessary HR processes in place to […]

Dependency leave: guide for employers

Dependency leave

This guide for employers looks at the rules relating to dependency leave, including who counts as a dependant and how best to manage requests for dependency leave. What is dependency leave? By law, the employee has relatively limited statutory rights when it comes to dependency leave, although establishing exactly when and to what extent these […]

Without prejudice & protected conversations

protected conversations

Without prejudice and protected conversations have become an essential part of the HR toolkit, but they have to be used with care to avoid further issues arising. If you are looking to bring an employee’s contract of employment to an end, you may want to have an off the record chat with a view to […]